- Max Brambilla
- Plastic Surgery
- Indietro
- Cosmetic Surgery
- Reconstructive Surgery
- Genital Surgery
Per appuntamenti:
+39 3358151911Indirizzi:
Gyplast Medical Institute - Viale Luigi Majno, 18Milano
Clinica Planas - Av. Pere II de Montcada, 16Barcelona
Clinique Champel - Rue Firmin Massot, 12Ginevra
info@massimilianobrambilla.itLa chirurgia plastica dei genitali esterni è da anni nota negli States e nell'America del Sud ma sta diventando popolare anche da noi. La discussione sulla sua liceità e sulle procedure è tuttora all'ordine del giorno anche negli Stati Uniti. Per esempio la Società Americana di ginecologia ha redatto un comunicato in cui esprime la sua contrarietà ad interventi di pura chirurgia estetica dei genitali senza motivazioni funzionali mentre la Società Americana di Chirurgia Plastica Ricostruttiva (AAPRS) ha dedicato un'intera sessione all'argomento in occasione del congresso annuale che si è tenuto a Baltimora.

When to resort to breast augmentation?
Vaginoplasty is the operation aimed at restoring tone and tension to the vaginal muscles which have lost their natural characteristics following childbirth or multiple births. Vaginoplasty, also called “vagina rejuvenation surgery”, generally allows you to increase muscle control and improve the sensations of the sexual act.
The traditional vaginoplasty operation consists in eliminating a part of excess mucosa and proceeding with the synthesis of the muscles. Vaginoplasty is performed under assisted local or general anesthesia, lasts approximately 30-40 minutes and allows for a full return to normal activities in a few days. Sexual activity can be resumed after 4-6 weeks.
The risks are given by the rare possibility of infection, bleeding and abnormal healing.
The prostheses
An alternative procedure, recently proposed, instead involves the use of lipostructuring of the vaginal wall. The technique is borrowed from over 10 years of experience with the lipostructuring method and consists of the sampling of adipose tissue, its treatment by centrifuge and the insertion of a predetermined quantity of adipose tissue into the submucosal area.
Although these are new uses of lipostructure (e.g. in the treatment of some types of incontinence as a substitute for heterologous materials), the advantage lies in the impossibility of rejecting the material, as it is autologous material. The advantage consists in the unnecessary removal of mucosal flaps, while the disadvantage is that a part of the adipose tissue is destined to be reabsorbed and consequently the procedure may require to be redone.

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